Ready to learn what all the madness over Argentine Tango is all about? We've done the hard work and started the list of instructors by state. Below you can find their information, how to contact them to book lessons, and more!
If you're an instructor and would like to be included, fill out the form below.
- Boulder Tango Studio / Website & contact
- Intimo Tango / Website & contact / @intimoargentinetango
- Tampa Tango Argentino / Website & contact / @tampatango
- VA Tango / Website & contact / @v&atango
- Jesica Arfenoni / Website & contact / @jes_arfe
- Fernanda Ghi / Website & contact / @fg.dance.academy
New York
- Adam & Ciko Tango / Website & contact / @adamandcikotango
- Philadelphia Argentine Tango Schol / Website & contact / @philadelphiatango
- Esquina Tango Austin / Website & contact / @esquinatango
- Hugo and Celina / Website & contact / @hugoandcelina
Instructor Submission
Would you like to be included on the list? Fill out the form below with your city, state, contact information, and IG profile handle.
Disclaimer: Axis Tango is providing this directory on a purely informational basis as a public service to the community. We are not endorsing any instructors or their affiliated businesses. Axis Tango is not responsible and expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind, arising out of the use, reference to, or reliance on, any information or service by the individual/ business listed herein. The directory is for convenience only. Axis Tango does not guarantee the information on the links to other sites is accurate or current. Axis Tango is not responsible for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage that may arise from using the listed links.