Dance Floor Emergency Kit

Smart drivers never leave on a road trip without an emergency kit and smart tango dancers have their own dance floor kits with small, but crucial necessities.
Things you may want to slip into your dance shoe bag:
- Antiseptic wipes & adhesive bandages— to take care of tango wounds when a stiletto heel morphs into a stiletto blade
- Mini toothbrush & toothpaste—very useful after dinner
- A fan—cool down AND make friends with one of these!
- Aspirin (or other pain medication)—if you are prone to headaches
- Energy bar—or similar emergency snack food
- Safety pin—a safety pin and/or a mini sewing kit for quick clothing fixes
- Spare shirt (for gentlemen)—if you’re likely to perspire a great deal
- Breath mints—a must for social dancing
A special note about breath mints—a wise tango teacher often tells her students they should always accept the offer of a breath mint because, “You never know why it’s being offered. It could be sharing out of courtesy OR it could be a message. Either way, it’s best to take the mint.”
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